Am Ende unseres Telefonats fragte mich James Last: „Spielst du auch Chinesische Bambusflöte?“ „Klar“, sagte ich, warum auch nicht.., fügte ich in Gedanken hinzu, und ich war engagiert. Ich besorgte mir eine Dizi, übte mir die Lippen wund und „Autumn Moon“ wurde eins meiner Lieblingsstücke auf Tour mit James Last.

Mat Clasen

has been working for over 35 years as a freelance saxophonist, flutist and increasingly as a composer of chamber music works as well as jazzy and funky pieces. During his career he played and recorded for James Last, Otto Waalkes, Regy Clasen, Jan Delay, Sasha, Helene Fischer and many other renowned artists. Mat can be heard as a studio musician onn of various genres. For some time he has been performing his spectacular Saxophone Solo Show , which not only incorporates his experiences and onstage an backstage stories as a musician and sideman, but also his many years of work as a poetry slammer. He recorded his current album together with his longtime friend and duo partner Joachim Goerke on the piano. It is titled "Rivers of Gold" and can be acquired - along with a growing selection of Mat's compositions - in his website shop .

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